A Brief Update..

I’ve been getting asked daily what’s new with me, where I’m at, and what comes next (especially in regards to my photography clients/business). As you know, I’ve been in and out of Washington/Michigan all summer as my family and I try to figure out our next move in regards to where we will live. House hunting might be the least fun thing ever unless you’re a millionaire!

But, here’s the truth; I still am unsure. I know, I know. I’ve had a long time to figure this out. But life doesn’t always work the way you want it to and answers don’t exactly tend to fall out of the sky into the palm of your hand. We are in this weird part of life where there’s a lot of unknown. BUT I am very optimistic that I’ll have an answer for you guys very soon. Right now, I’m back in Upper MI for sure for the next couple of weeks. In two weeks, TBD…. For this uncertainty, I’m only booking in MI for the next two weeks and am not running Christmas/Holiday mini sessions or other portrait sessions in WA at this time.

I know it’s wildly frustrating for those of you who have wanted to schedule with me while I’ve been in MI or schedule with me in MI while I’ve been back in Seattle. It’s even more frustrating for me, but I’m trusting that the ebbs and flows of this time in my life are leading me exactly where I’m meant to be.

Thank you so much for your patience in all of this and I hope my next update will have a few more solid answers for you.

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