9 Ways to Make the Most of Your Social Distancing Time

Some of us are using this time to unwind & rest, others to work from home, and then I see a few of you who are bored! If you’re looking for ways to entertain yourself or want to distract yourself with tasks, here are a few ideas that I’m doing!

  1. Re-visit any goals or New Year’s resolutions you set for yourself this year. What action steps can you take this week to move closer to those? For example, 14+ days dedicated to learning a new language, ordering prints you’ve been holding off on, taking classes through your Yoga app or cooking more will definitely get you started on the right track to setting good habits to fuel you towards your goals.

  2. Power up your health. There is no better time to add some lemon to your water, eat the rainbow, and just maybe see what the green smoothie fuss is all about. Take advantage of rest time, challenge yourself to drink X amount of cups of water per day and take your vitamins.

  3. Spring Cleaning. It’s gotta be done anyways, may as well get started now! Don’t forget to sanitize door and faucet handles.

  4. Catch up with that friend finally! We always tell our friends we need to catch up soon, but life happens and connecting in person can be difficult. Schedule a facetime date, pour a drink together and enjoy some human connection. You’ll feel 100 more refreshed than spending that hour scrolling Facebook or watching the news. If they’re a medical or essential government worker, remember to THANK THEM!

  5. Plan your yard and patio gardens. Decide what you want to plant and get the seeds planted (dependent on where you live of course). If we’re learning anything during this time as we walk through empty grocery aisle, it’s that we’re not nearly as self-sustaining as we could be. My personal favorites to plant are Basil, Mint, Aloe and more recently - a lime tree! All growing on my patio.

  6. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Let’s take care of the planet. Bring your own bags to the grocery stores, skip the straws and plastic utensils on takeout since you’re going home to eat/drink anyways, and see if you can take your showers down from every day to every other day/every couple of days. No one can see you anyways! Order a clean-out kit from ThredUp and donate old clothes. ;)

  7. Skincare. There’s no better to give your skin a break from environmental and chemical toxins from poor air quality to makeup. Actually use those facemasks sitting in your cabinet, eat collagen boosting foods and hydrate your skin with alcohol/fragrance-free lotions whenever possible!

  8. Challenge yourself creatively. Get out of the norm to keep yourself inspired and staying positive. Switch up your Netflix show for a documentary you’re curious about, swap your book with something totally out of the ordinary for you, tune in to a music station you’ve never listened to before, find a DIY project on Pinterest and give it a shot. Maybe you’ll find a new hobby!

  9. Stretch and exercise. So simple and so easily forgotten, especially when we’ve been sitting on the couch for days working from home. Just because we’re missing the gym, doesn’t mean slack time. My personal favorite way is with the DownDog and 7-Minute Workout Apps (free until April).

  10. I know I said 9, but this is more of a reminder.