How We Can End Slavery Today

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Today is Shine a Light on Slavery day, an annual reminder to bring awareness to the fact that we are still at least 40 million deep in slavery. Yes, you read that right. 40 MILLION human beings are living as slaves. That number is the highest it’s ever been in history. To realize it’s happening during a time that I am alive both sickens and saddens me. We talk like slavery has been abolished since 1863-67, but open your eyes wide enough and you’ll know that’s not true. Humans are being trafficked and sold daily, forced into marriage, labor and commercial sex at astonishing rates. And we are part of the problem.

It’s hard to hear that, I know.

But it’s true, even if we have no idea how. If we refuse to take off our rose-colored glasses of the world, we don’t grow. We don’t have any reason to change. It’s time to stop sweeping this under the rug. We have an opportunity to change history and rewrite the scripts for our future. We can be the generation that actually stops slavery in our lifetime if we spread enough awareness and all do our part to take action.

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I believe one of the biggest reasons that the number of humans being trafficked is going up globally is that we refuse to admit that we’re part of the problem because we truly don’t think we are. But we all are guilty in one way or another. I know I’m guilty. We shop for cheap clothing and textiles, without researching the companies to see where they are sourced. We overlook the fact that our nail technician keeps looking over her shoulder, afraid to talk to us and immediately brings her tip to a supervisor. We purchase chocolate and coffee and fish without even considering if they were ethically sourced. We’re into commercial sex, strip clubs and pornography and tell ourselves that the women are all there on their own free will without knowing it for a fact. We travel and have our hotel rooms cleaned by staff that may have been forced and give a few dollars to children who hand it over to their pimps. I could go on and on about all of the types of human trafficking and slavery we could be connected with, but it would take more time than I have right now and I think you get the gist.

So what do we do? First of all, we need to be willing to open our eyes and educate ourselves on the issue. Learn to spot red flags at the places we go and who to call when we think we see it. Donate to companies who are active in the field - day in and day out, building relationships and bringing freedom to the oppressed. Choose to make conscious buying decisions when you can. Finally, use your voice and/or platform to raise awareness. We know there is strength in numbers. Sign petitions to stop allowing it.

End it Movement is an awesome resource and place to start figuring out what you can do to help. You can head over to their website by clicking here.

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So please friends, join me in taking a stand to raise awareness and use our voices. It’s the month of love after all.