Updated Action Plan

As we’re getting closer to lifting stay-at-home restrictions, I want to update you with what you can expect as far as photography portrait sessions with me. I intend to get back to work, taking portraits for you, your business and your family, but will be modifying my approach until we are officially “in the clear”. Here’s how this will go.

  1. I will continue to practice social distancing as much as possible. This includes avoiding large gatherings and keeping my social circle to small groups so you can feel confident that I’m not going to be exposing you to massive amounts of people through me.

  2. We’re going to skip the handshakes and hugs when we greet. This is going to be tricky for me to remember because it’s such a natural instinct, but I’m going to be intentional about not touching each other.

  3. Hand sanitizer will be on hand for us to use right from the start and as needed throughout the session.

  4. All props and furniture will be fully sanitized before you arrive.

  5. I’ll be switching up my lenses to photograph you with a zoom lens to keep a reasonable distance between us.

  6. Instead of fixing jewelry, a hair I see out of place, or pulling a fuzzy off your sleeve, I’ll be asking you to fix it yourself. Those compact mirrors will really come in handy these days.

  7. I’ll ask that you skip bringing a guest along with you to your session this time to reduce the number of bodies on set.

  8. The hair and makeup artist will continue practicing safety and sanitization throughout the whole process, but if you choose to opt-out and do your own for now, that will be okay. I have an awesome DIY guide I can send you for doing it on your own!

  9. I’m going to encourage (but not require) outdoor photoshoots instead of in a studio if we can’t rent a space that allows a safe distance between us. The weather may make this tricky, but it’ll still work out. Promise!

  10. If it makes you more comfortable for me to wear a mask, I’m happy to oblige.

I know this may to feel a bit robotic, if not awkward, taking the extra measures, but I will always do what it takes to ensure your safety, as well as my team and family. Beyond these practices, I want to assure you that we’re still going to have fun. Maybe even more fun since we’ll be able to breathe a little. I’m still going to give you the best experience possible and capture your emotions like I normally would so that you have gorgeous portraits.

I miss you guys and can’t wait to get creating for you again! If you want to get on the calendar, head over to the contact page and let’s talk details!