BE love

Happy Valentines Day! 

Photo Feb 07, 3 38 30 PM.jpg

While Valentines Day comes with an array of mixed emotions from those who hate it and crave it, I think there's a bigger picture we can focus our thoughts on. You don't need a spouse or even to be in a relationship to have a reason to show a little extra love today. Valentines Day doesn't need to be just about loving yourself or loving a partner. It can be an opportunity to push light and love into this crazy mess of a world around us.

It's time we focus on the positive and "be the change we wish to see in this world". Valentines is a great day to start, amiright?!

Here are a few ideas I've come up with. Feel free to add your own and then get out there and love on those around you. You never know who's fighting what battle, who's feeling unloved and who is hurting. Be the reason someone smiles today. 

1. Pay it forward in the coffee line. 
2. Offer a helping hand to a neighbor moving in/out. 
3. Volunteer at a local shelter walking dogs, serving food, donating time, etc.. 
4. Throw a few extra bucks out of your paycheck into a nonprofit charity.
5. Send your mom a card reminding her how much you love and appreciate her.

Much LOVE,

P.S. This is not to say DON'T love on your spouse, partner and kids. Include them in your practice and encourage them to pick a random act of kindness as well. You can all grow in love together.